The beauty behind the brand

Neeta was raised in India and was exposed to the deep wisdom and cultural traditions of Ayurveda and natural medicine. She was immersed in both the natural and more exotic trends of the modern beauty world being a former model and Miss India finalist. Neeta has always been passionate about nature, beauty and the transformative power of scent. Through personal experience, she discovered how natural aromas can bring our bodies, mind, and spirit into balance and harmony. Neeta combined her years of studying ancient beauty secrets from around the world, with her love of nature to develop Neeta Naturals Ayurvedic Beauty & Wellness skincare line.

Many years ago, Neeta read the book “Almond Eyes Lotus Feet”, a fictional memoir of a wise Indian princess whose story recounts how the women of the Indian court found friendship, faith, and love through their beauty traditions. As she reflected on this story and her own history, she recalled all the ancient rituals and beauty formulations that were passed down to her through the generations of women in her family, and how deeply her life was enhanced by them. Wanting to share these benefits with the Western beauty world, Neeta combined the ancient wisdom that was part of her heritage, with her studies of Ayurveda Beauty & Wellness to create Neeta Naturals.

Neeta Singh Press Kit

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