
An Ayurvedic lifestyle can help you to naturally bring your body, mind and spirit back into balance. You can learn practices to decrease stress and increase overall vitality and well-being.


Bring your life into balance, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation

Welcome to my Ayurvedic consultation-

Uncover your unique and timeless nature with Neeta Naturals Ayurveda and yoga therapies. Your honest reflection is the first step towards knowing what works for you and what doesn’t, bringing you one step closer to better balance and greater harmony.

Neeta Naturals Ayurveda combines Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom and the best of modern science to help you achieve your wellness goals. Ayurvedic consultation service is here to help you embody the wisdom of Ayurveda with mindfulness and delight.

Everything you need, all in one place. Shop our supplies to cleanse, refresh and nourish your body, inside and out.

A holistic approach to wellness – your 90 minutes consultation with Neeta Singh will include following-

* One on one consultation, in person or via zoom, you will receive a plan integrating diet and lifestyle.
* Pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis
* Your complete dosha analysis
* Exploration of your Health history
* Personalized diet, lifestyle & supplements plan
* Yoga therapies for your specific dosha
* Special instructions on wholistic weight balance/loss
* Skin health Issues
*sleep disorders

Here are what some of my clients say about my Ayurvedic consultation program-
“Her knowledge, experience and guidance have revolutionized my life, I am healthier and happier than I’ve been in decades”
– Sita May yoga teacher, Tennessee

“Neeta, my Ayurveda Practitioner recommended some herbs and lifestyle changes including yoga and meditation therapies like Nad yoga and It changed my life.”
-Sabastian, Iowa

“I was having eczema for years, it’s now manageable without taking medications.”
– Simran, SFO


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