Many of us experience varying degree of sinus issues due to common colds, virus, bacteria, or allergens such as pollutants, pollen, dust etc. We may have minor irritating congestion or more severe symptoms that accompany sinusitis where the tissues that line the sinus cavity become infected. Whether you have an acute sinusitis, chronic issue or some minor congestion Ayurveda offers all-natural solutions. (*note: always consult your medical professional with severe or on going symptoms)

As per Ayurveda, the ancient healing science, sinus issues are actually caused by an underlying imbalance in Prana Vata (the subdosha of Vata that governs the brain, head, and the mind) and Shleshaka Kapha (a subdosha of Kapha, which governs lubrication and moisture balance). When the two doshas becomes out of balance simultaneously, a build up of sticky and toxic mucous occurs causing nasal congestion. Sinusitis can occur as the imbalance also lowers your immunity which opens the pathway for infection to take hold.

3 Ayurvedic sinus relief solutions

1. Nasyam – ghee is known for its miraculous properties. Nasyam is a panchkarma therapy that involves lubricating your

nostrils. An ancient practice is to instill a little warm ghee in each nostril once a day and sniff. You can use an eyedropper, or a clean finger dipped in ghee.

How to use: Take pure Ghee (clarified butter) organic is better (you can find it at any health food store) warm the ghee to melt, make sure ghee is just warm and not hot! You can test this as you would test warm milk for a baby. Place a drop on the inner side of your wrist it. Use a pipette/dropper to add one drop of ghee in each nostril. Total 2 drops only. Use every morning after eating breakfast and brushing your teeth and every night before bed.

Massage the nose area and upper lip area after putting the ghee. Also, it advised to not eat anything for at least 15 minutes before or after application. After few minutes of doing Nasyam, you might feel some stickiness in your throat; just spit it out.

Doing this practice for 14 days will help relieve the common symptoms of irritation, itching, redness, inflammation, which often affect the nasal passages, mouth, throat, or lungs during a sinus infection. Using Ghee on a regular and consistent basis can help restore balance to this respiratory channel.

2. Nasal Wash – Neti Pot

The basic explanation of how the Neti pot works is using a neutral saline solution to flush out the nasal passages.Although this method can be done with out an actual neti pot, it is recommended to use one as they are designed to make it easy to pour the saline solution through one nostril and have it exit through the other.

If you do not have a neti pot you can make a mild saline solution by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1/2 cup lukewarm water and instill 5 drops of the solution into each nostril with a dropper and then drain it.

3. G Square (Ginger & Garlic) –  Yes add, lots of G square to your diet which means ginger and garlic.

Drinking plenty of ginger tea (easy to make you can simply bring a small pot of water to a boil, add some slices of fresh ginger, simmer for a few minutes and then let steep. Drink the tea often throughout the day.

One of my favorite herbal drinks is Tulsi with Ginger.
Heat 1 liter of water, boil it, pour the water into a thermos, and add two leaves of Tulsi/basil, two thin slices of ginger. Drink it hot throughout the day.

When cooking your meals add garlic and ginger. Consuming ginger and garlic will help boost immunity, improve digestion and purify the sinuses to ease elimination.

Ayurveda is a whole system approach to health and well-being

When the body becomes out of balance it is important to not only treat the symptoms but to adjust habits and diet to assist the body to return to its natural state of homeostasis. To help restore well-being when there is an imbalance of the two sub doshas – Prana Vata and sub dosha vata it is best to adopt a Vata Kapha calming diet, which means avoiding foods that are extreme in temperature – “hot” i.e. hot peppers or spices or “cold” i.e. cold drinks, ice cream etc. Instead focus on warm, light, nurturing foods that are easy to digest as digestion plays a prime role in helping your body to detox when it becomes out of balance. Khichari is a traditional Indian dish made with a mix of organic lentil and rice and according to Ayurveda soothes the digestive system and helps to balances your Vata. (find recipe here). Eat regular meals with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit and easy to digest foods. Avoid foods that tend to clog or irritate sinuses such as dairy, bananas, night shades (peppers, tomatoes, eggplant)

Masks: A new study states that people living in big cities may be at greater risk of developing chronic sinus problems due to high levels of air pollution. A positive aspect of the face covering required during Covid-19 is that they are helpful to reduce pollen and pollutant allergies.

Try Eladi Light Beauty Oil to Soothe Dry Irritated Skin

Eladi oil is an ancient Ayurvedic traditional formula with 26 skin soothing herbs. Use to soothe dry, sensitive or irritated skin.  Eladi Light has added Argan and Coconut Extracts to create a lighter, extra soothing formula perfect for facial care. When we have sinus issues our nose can become raw and irritated, apply the comforting and soothing Eladi Light beauty oil to irritated skin.

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