Ayurveda believes that ‘’beauty comes from within’’. The age-old science is based on balancing the body by working with each person’s dosha as a way to support digestive health, optimize energy and increase overall wellbeing.

In Ayrveda, beauty rituals play a large part in both daily routines (dinacharya) and seasonal routines (ritucharya).
Here are some of the holistic beauty tips which can help to bring out inner and outer balance.


Abhyanga means oil application or self-massage in Sanskrit. Doing abhyanga daily helps radiate health. In Ayurveda, Sarvanga Abhyanga is explained as a Dinacharya (daily routine) which is to be done by warming oils and massaging them onto your body.
Abhyanga when done with warm oils, helps to keep skin soft, supple, minimize dryness and promote inner and outer balance.


The practice of Mukhalepam includes a steam and application of a face mask. It helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, tone the muscles and promote brighter healthier looking skin. Is for all skin types.

Here are a few other beauty tips to follow in the daily regimen

  • Moisturize the skin with Coconut oil every day because of its cooling nature.
  • If you have an oily skin apply mask of chickpea flour, which will help absorb excess oil from the face.
  • Swab your face with raw milk and wipe your face thoroughly with it to remove dirt from your pores.
  • Neem leaves are made into a paste and applied evenly on the skin, it helps in reducing the acne and various skin problems.
  • For acne prone skin, use sandalwood powder + turmeric powder + curd make a paste and wash it after 10 mins.

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