Ah yes, you read an interesting article about all things “Ayurveda” and want to jump in with both feet, but you’re uncertain as to how to begin.  Well…start with a deep breath and lets walk through this together!

Lets start with the basics.  What exactly is Ayurveda you ask?  Here’s what Wikipedia says about it:

Ayurveda (/ˌɑːjʊərˈveɪdə,-ˈviː-/)[1] is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent.[2] The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific. The main classical Ayurveda texts begin with accounts of the transmission of medical knowledge from the gods to sages, and then to human physicians.[7] In Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta’s Compendium), Sushruta wrote that DhanvantariHindu god of Ayurveda, incarnated himself as a king of Varanasi and taught medicine to a group of physicians, including Sushruta.[8][9] 

Ayurveda therapies have varied and evolved over more than two millennia.[2] Therapies are typically based on complex herbal compounds, minerals and metal substances (perhaps under the influence of early Indian alchemy or rasa shastra). Ancient Ayurveda texts also taught surgical techniques, including rhinoplastykidney stone extractions, sutures, and the extraction of foreign objects.[10][11] 

Ayurveda has been adapted for Western consumption, notably by Baba Hari Dass in the 1970s and Maharishi Ayurveda in the 1980s. Some scholars assert that Ayurveda originated in prehistoric times,[12][13] and that some of the concepts of Ayurveda have existed from the time of the Indus Valley Civilization or even earlier.[14] Ayurveda developed significantly during the Vedic period and later some of the non-Vedic systems such as Buddhism and Jainism also developed medical concepts and practices that appear in the classical Ayurveda texts.

Overwhelmed?  Fear not…lets break this down into 1 doable step you can start today!

1.  Scrape your tongue everyday 

Sounds strange I know, but there are so many incredible benefits from just adding this simple practice into your daily routine, which is essential to adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

This practice not only promotes overall oral and digestive health, but also gently stimulates the internal organs.  Check out what others are saying about this practice: 


Stay tuned for new tips and tricks on becoming an ayurvedic goddess as we break them down into attainable goals…together!



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