Bring your life into balance with Neeta’s Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation

Join Neeta to learn about Ayurvedic lifestyle tips to help you achieve your goals of optimum health and well being. Consultations are 1 hour in person, by phone, or via a virtual platform with Neeta. This is your opportunity to ask Neeta any questions you have so she can begin to formulate the perfect skincare routine just for you!

Ayuveda reminds us that the universe is within us, as we are a microcosm of the microcosm.  This means that all that exists outside of ourselves has a inner connection or counterpart. Our bodies are material manifestation of the Panch Mahabhutas, 5 elements – Air, Space, Earth, Water and Fire. These elements, when combined creates Doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each individual has their own unique combination of these elements and hence, defines their Dosha types.

Combining Ayuvedic theory and practice, I create a program that fits your needs and focuses on your system imbalances, and how to bring it back into balance. My Ayuvedic consultation program includes:

~Customized protocols for your diet and lifestyle, tailored just for you.
~Guidance, videos and online resources including Abhyanga, Yoga,and Pranayama to help guide you with your practice.
~In depth, outline program to keep you focused.
~Creation of personalized herbal formulas (cost of formula is not included).


If you would like to connect with Neeta for a 10-15 minute consult before setting up a full appointment, please use the CONTACT US form and mention you would like a free consultation.  Someone will get back to you to set up a time shortly!

“The traditional healing system of Ayurveda is at the heart of living I turn to again and again to help individuals regain their vitality, energy and health. I support you in achieving optimal wellness” ~ Neeta

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