As we enter into this season of all-things-love, we must remember to love ourselves first.

Oh yes, I am fully aware of the million roadblocks and obstacles; excuses and reasons why we, especially as women, find it hard to simply love ourselves first.

Let’s start with this beautiful quote: 

“The moment you know yourself you have known the most precious thing in existence.” – Osho

As a busy female entrepreneur, I too find it hard when searching for balance to fit everything in, including myself.  There’s a thing I call “mother’s guilt”.  It’s real, I promise.  Whether it’s buying something for yourself with money you know could go to elsewhere, taking a day (or even hour) just for you, or arriving home much later than expected due to “Target therapy” or a girls night out…us gals can feel guilt from just about anything.

Our culture is a fast paced one as we are all well-aware.  Not only are we supposed to live up to perfect parent standards, we’re supposed to be environmentally conscious, socially responsible, an advocate for things that matter and much, much more.  It’s not easy – trust me, I know.

I always reference the flight attendant standard, “Put the mask on yourself first”.  What a powerful statement when you’re wondering if putting yourself first is important.  Baby steps are great & I highly recommend starting there.  In a recent blog I wrote about one Ayurvedic essential you can implement to give yourself the gift of adding simple properties of this healing lifestyle to give yourself the gift of love.  Let’s add another!

WATER!  Drinking at least 2 glasses of hot water every morning and/or night is another essential for optimum health and healing.  I know you’ve heard this a million times before, but there’s a little magic that happens with adding the hot element.  It’s recommended to drink water that’s 6-degrees Celsius above or below your body temperature.  Fear not – you don’t have to drink hot water all day (unless you’re doing panchkarma, but lets start simple for now – wink).  The bonus of drinking 2 glasses a day?  Organic, herbal tea counts!

There are novels that could be written here, but I’ll leave this as-is and add one last quote from a wise man we aka “Mr. Rogers”:

“You can’t really love someone else unless you really love yourself first.” – Fred Rogers

Sending all the healing love and energy to you for a new awakening to self-love!


Much Love & Light,

Neeta Naturals

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